The EPA has finalized a rule establishing stronger requirements for identifying and remediating lead-based paint hazards in homes and childcare facilities built before 1978. The EPA estimates that this rule will reduce lead exposure for nearly 1.2 million people yearly, of whom 178,000 to 326,000 are children under six.
The rule lowers the level of lead that can remain in the dust on floors, window sills, and window troughs after a lead paint abatement occurs to the following levels: 5 μg/ft2 on floors, 40 μg/ft2 on window sills, and 100 μg/ft2 on window troughs. These are the lowest levels that can be reliably and quickly measured in laboratories.

Optimal Home Inspections can conduct lead-based paint inspections for homeowners and home buyers. However, we do not provide lead-safe certifications for rental units.